
Based on a true story, the film revolves around a 12 year old Palestinian girl, Farha, whose father locks her up on the eve of the formation of the state of Israel in May 1948 for the sake of protecting their family’s honor. Farha is separated from her family in the chaos that ensues and is confined to a small hidden dark room, waiting for them to come back and let her out








meet the director

Jordanian director and writer Darin J. Sallam holds an MFA in Cinematic Arts from the Red Sea Institute for Cinematic Arts (RSICA). To her credit are five award winning short films including “Still Alive” and “The Dark Outside”. Her latest short fiction film “The Parrot”, a joint writing/directing project, received the 2015 Film Prize of the Robert Bosch Stiftung. She is currently working on her debut feature narrative film project entitled “Farha”. The project is the recipient of the ART Award (presented at the 2016 Dubai Film Connection) and of the Emirati Ministry of Interior Award for Best Societal Screenplay (presented at the 2016 DIFF). Based on a true story, the film revolves around a 12 year old Palestinian girl, Farha, whose father locks her up on the eve of the formation of the state of Israel in May 1948 for the sake of protecting their family’s honor. Farha is separated from her family in the chaos that ensues and is confined to a small hidden dark room, waiting for them to come back and let her out…

meet the producer

Deema Azar
Deema Azar is a Jordanian film producer and script consultant. She is also co-founder and managing partner at TaleBox, a Amman-based production and training company which fosters and nurtures new talents in Jordan and the Arab World.

meet the producer

meet the impact producer

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Please note that the information presented from our programs is taken directly from the official publication from each edition. While this information is limited, it is the information given to us by the main project contact at the time, based on the space restrictions of our publications, and is meant only as a historical record of the film or project at the time of its involvement with Aflamuna.