Alternative Distribution, not Alternative Audience

issue #9 :: September 2023

“The problem with distribution” has been the subject of debate within the circles of the Arab film sector for years; everybody seems to know there is a problem, but to each their own version of what the problem is, and no one seems to have a viable solution.

A lot of laudable efforts have been made in the past two decades, but we do not seem to be on the right track. Our festivals, our independent screens, and our excruciating efforts to distribute our films within traditional theatrical circuits all seem to desperately try to fit within the existing models that have been grounded to a complete halt by recent crises – and that have never ever truly embraced our cinema. Many initiatives have found their own success, but every time, it seems like we are recreating bubbles that eventually burst.

The goal is to find alternative ways of distribution rather than chasing an alternative,
niche audience.

We will not discuss the making of films right now, although it is essentially the same conversation. One of the reasons distributing our films is such a struggle in the region is that a lot of these films struggle to connect with our communities. And one of the reasons for this difficult connection is that there is no infrastructure that can enable us to reach them and funnel back funds into production – leaving us necessarily caught up in funder and co-producer dynamics.

Instead of trying once again to fix that which just might be unfixable, why don’t we try to create something radically different (and not necessarily new)? What potential does the recent revival of rural community and cultural centers have? What can we learn from the rich history of film clubs in our region? How can we take advantage of every empty school theatre, municipal hall, and local community television? And how can we make sure all of this is done in true collaboration with the communities we are trying to reach and who are trying to reach us?

Over the years, AFLAMUNA has tried to approach these issues in many different ways, many of which we are putting into question in this text. And we are ready to try radically different things. And we might fail. And we want to know who else is trying and who might want to try – and risk failing – with us.