
“Panoptic” is the memoir of Rana Eid, an ordinary Lebanese citizen attempting to reconcile with her country’s turbulent past. The film explores the duality of Lebanon as a nation thriving for modernity while ironically ignoring the vices that obstruct achieving the status of a modern nation.








meet the director

Rana Eid was born in 1976 in Beirut. Rana received her BA in Cinema in 1999 and her MA in Film Sound in 2002 both from Université Saint Joseph, IESAV. In 2002 Rana traveled to Paris, France where she trained for a year in Sound Editing. Rana has been working as a sound editor since 2003, having gained the reputation as one of the Lebanese film industry’s most acclaimed practitioners. She has worked with some of the most acclaimed Arab directors and producers. In 2006 Rana opened db STUDIOS for audio post production. Rana currently lives and works in Beirut, Lebanon where she teaches sound for film at Université Saint Esprit de Kaslik (USEK).

meet the producer

Myriam Sassine majored in cinema studies at ALBA and received her M.A. in cinema research from IESAV. In 2012, she became a Producer at Abbout Productions working on several features. She is the COO of Schortcut Films and the Executive Director of Maskoon Fantastic Film Festival.

meet the producer

meet the impact producer

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Please note that the information presented from our programs is taken directly from the official publication from each edition. While this information is limited, it is the information given to us by the main project contact at the time, based on the space restrictions of our publications, and is meant only as a historical record of the film or project at the time of its involvement with Aflamuna.