Looking for Essam Abdullah

After being captivated by a song he heard as a child in the 80s, filmmaker Yasser Naeim embarks on a decade long journey to find out the story of the songwriter, Essam Abdullah. Following in the footsteps of Abdullah became the key to start unlocking this era and a way for the director and his crew to retrace and revive their own memories, to know what happened exactly in those days that have been a very significant point in Egypt’s modern history.








meet the director

Yasser Naeim graduated in 1998 with a B.Sc of Commerce, but the desire to continue down the traditional career path was eclipsed by his passion for storytelling. After enrolling in an Art Lab for Cinema Directing at the American University in Cairo, Naeim worked as an assistant director, production manager and later as a director for several AlJazeera documentaries. In 2010 he directed the documentary “Improvisation” while moonshining as a scriptwriter for a local TV series and co-writing Ibrahim El Batout’s “Winter of Discontent”, screened at the Venice Int. Film Festival in 2012.

meet the producer

Wael Omar is an Egyptian director and producer who lives in Cairo.He shot his short documentary State of Emergency as part of the Democracy 76 Project, a series of short documentaries. His work aired on BBC Storyville, Al Arabiya, France 3 and ITVS as well as being screened at many international film festivals. In 2008, Omar co-founded Middle West Films, an incubator and co-production house for feature films.

meet the producer

meet the impact producer

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Please note that the information presented from our programs is taken directly from the official publication from each edition. While this information is limited, it is the information given to us by the main project contact at the time, based on the space restrictions of our publications, and is meant only as a historical record of the film or project at the time of its involvement with Aflamuna.