Garde Baissée

A newly crowned world boxing champion must return to his village to participate in a ceremony held in his honor, during which he is supposed to receive the awards and rewards promised by the state. The journey goes awry and proves to be more complicated than expected.








Professional encounters

meet the director

Réalisateur tunisien. Après deux documentaires primés, son court métrage de fiction “ Hors-Jeu Flagrant” est sélectionné à Clermont-Ferrand et dans une vingtaine de festivals internationaux. A travaillé aussi comme programmateur de films dans plusieurs festivals.

meet the producer

Merième Addou holds a degree in private law and a master’s degree in documentary cinema. She began her career in cinema and television as a production manager and has worked as a producer for several international channels such as Bloomberg, Fox News, Radio Canada, Channel 4, Dubai Tv, and Aljazeera English. Between 2006 and 2011, she worked as a correspondent for German Radio DW and Kuwaiti Television, as well as a producer for the BBC.

meet the producer

meet the impact producer

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Please note that the information presented from our programs is taken directly from the official publication from each edition. While this information is limited, it is the information given to us by the main project contact at the time, based on the space restrictions of our publications, and is meant only as a historical record of the film or project at the time of its involvement with Aflamuna.