
In 2017 Beirut, “Album” follows the lives of three queer individuals and their relationships with their mothers: Omar, a queer man who tests his mother’s tolerance towards homosexuality; Nicole, a bisexual woman who is accepted by her mother; Ameen, a non-binary person whose orientation is entirely rejected by their family. The protagonists’ stories are complemented by footage of “Le Marchand De Reves”: a photobooth experience where everyday people were photographed as their desired persona in a a judgment-free safe space.








In Progress


Good Pitch


Put the spotlight on the individual struggles of young refugees trying to find opportunities to fulfill their dreams. Contribute to the conversation about the legal status of the refugees in their hosting countries. Encourage sports and talent oriented activities in refugee camps. Inspire the younger generation of refugees to invest in their dreams.

meet the director

a filmmaker and photographer. He completed his masters degree in Cinema Studies at Saint Joseph University of Beirut. He has directed one fiction short films (Salwa), one documentary (Empreintes d’Un Album Photos), a photo series and video installation (Ils Étaient Là), and several music videos. He has completed a residency at Beirut Art Residency and Haven for Artists. His works documents human intimacy, the complexity of human relationships, and gender and sexuality.

meet the producer

Cyril Bassil holds an MFA in screenwriting and directing from Columbia College Chicago, whilst on a Fulbright scholarship. In 2017, he started working as a script consultant with Myriad Pictures, Warner brothers and Universal studios, then in 2018 began developing and producing feature films between Beirut and Los Angeles. In 2019, he became the vice-president of the Human Chain NGO, leading national events such as the Human Chain and Khebz w meleh.

meet the producer

meet the impact producer

Tanya Abou-Ghazaly is a Beirut-based journalist and multi-media artist. She obtained her masters degree in Media Studies at the American University in Beirut and a certificate from the Danish School of Media and Journalism. Her academic and advocacy work have centered around migrant domestic worker rights and the disappeared of the Lebanese Civil War in Lebanon. Her photography has been exhibited by PHMuseum and the Beirut Image Festival.

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Please note that the information presented from our programs is taken directly from the official publication from each edition. While this information is limited, it is the information given to us by the main project contact at the time, based on the space restrictions of our publications, and is meant only as a historical record of the film or project at the time of its involvement with Aflamuna.