The Dancing Plague

The Dancing Plague is a voyeuristic documentary that choreographs Lebanon’s decadent culture of the night shaped by the detournement of the physical profanations that the city endured throughout centuries. This project explores the effects of these conspiratorial possibilities of the night not simply on the state of a nation but on an individual’s state of mind. Following night-walkers from different generations, it takes a flight from what, on the face of it, is a fairly restricted zone of enquiry, to become an intensely subterranean evocation of the strange gearing-together of social change and the human psyche.








meet the director

Malek Hosni is a self-thought filmmaker who covers a variety of scopes including cinema and documentaries. Born and raised in Lebanon, he started his career in Egypt in the midst of the revolution with Middle West Films, a production company involved in the independent filmmaking scene in Cairo. After returning to Lebanon, Hosni collaborated with a wide range of companies. In September he produced a medium length film and he is currently directing his first feature documentary.

meet the producer

Wael Omar is an Egyptian director and producer who lives in Cairo.He shot his short documentary State of Emergency as part of the Democracy 76 Project, a series of short documentaries. His work aired on BBC Storyville, Al Arabiya, France 3 and ITVS as well as being screened at many international film festivals. In 2008, Omar co-founded Middle West Films, an incubator and co-production house for feature films.

meet the producer

meet the impact producer

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Please note that the information presented from our programs is taken directly from the official publication from each edition. While this information is limited, it is the information given to us by the main project contact at the time, based on the space restrictions of our publications, and is meant only as a historical record of the film or project at the time of its involvement with Aflamuna.