
25 Years of AFLAMUNA: The Time is Now

This year is the 25th anniversary of AFLAMUNA, founded in 1999 as Beirut DC. We had imagined that we would be able to offer some sort of festivity on the occasion of this milestone. But now is not the time to celebrate, now is the


Selected Projects :: AFLAMUNA connection 8

This year, our selection comprises 14 projects that reflect diverse narratives emerging from our region. Among them are 11 feature projects in development, including fiction, docu-fiction, and documentaries, alongside 3 films in post-production. These projects come from Sudan, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Jordan, Palestine,


Between Two Crossings, and a Third

Nour Al Ghussein’s dream was to complete her studies in business to help build the Palestinian economy, as she so adamantly says. She embarked on an arduous journey when she received a letter from an American university informing her of a full scholarship to start



The ongoing massacre in Gaza, unfolding before our eyes, leaves us feeling helpless in the face of the disturbing erosion of– and the existential threat to every value we hold principled and dear. Palestinians are being exterminated while the world watches, while some cheer on


“Palestine Cinema Days” Around The World

On the somber anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, observed on November 2nd, and to amplify Palestinian voices, showing unwavering support for Palestine, censored Palestinian voices, and contributing to shifting distorted narratives, we are organizing more than 40 Palestinian Film Screenings around the world.


The Unbearable Shame of Madness

At first glance, one might not find another explanation behind the actions undertaken by the authorities and certain sectors of society aside from sheer and profound insanity. What sort of mindset shifts its attention away from a catastrophe to dedicate its energies to suppressing a