Palestine Cinema Days Around the World

issue #5 :: September 2024

It will soon be one year since the genocide of the people of Gaza has started. It has been 76 years since the Nakba, when the occupation of Palestine and the progressive ethnic cleansing of Palestinians started. Today, Israel’s latest aggression is expanding into Lebanon and the West Bank at alarming speed. 

When the international media covered the hundreds of martyrs that have died in the past couple of days in Lebanon, including civilians, women, and children, going about their day, sitting in their houses, and living their lives, their coverage was nothing short of racist and complicit. Headlines justified the “targeting of terrorists”, praised the “tactical prowess” of the attacks, and mocked the way in which civilians and children were killed (“beep beep boom” – New York Post, “more of a spectacular fireworks show than a classical military operation” – Liberation). The need to continue to elevate the rightful narrative of Palestinians and all victims of colonial aggression persists more than ever.

We are tired, we are angry, we are sad, and we are mourning our dead. But the struggle continues. We must admit that it is difficult to understand our role in the midst of everything happening, to continue to believe in the value of our work while surrounded by so much death and destruction. We hold on, however, to the belief and the principle that we must do what we can to contribute to the global uprising for Palestine and its people, and the people of Lebanon, and the victims of imperialist terror everywhere.

Our destiny is not only to defend our very existence but we must also defend the values of humanity in the face of unadulterated evil unleashed on the world. And we have, across the world, a few hearts that beat with the same love and defiance as ours. They are our partners in suffering just as they are our partners in struggle. They are our partners in fear just as they are our partners in courage. They are our partners in spreading the narrative of truth, and they are our partners in undoing the narrative of savagery.


When she received her award at the Venice Film Festival, Sarah Friedland proclaimed in front of everyone present: “As a Jewish American artist working in a time-based medium, I must note that I’m accepting this award on the 336th day of Israel’s genocide in Gaza and 76th year of occupation. I believe it is our responsibility as film workers to use the institutional platforms through which we work to redress Israel’s impunity on the global stage. I stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine in their struggle for liberation.”

We reiterate her call, and we add that it is our collective responsibility to elevate the narrative of truth and justice in the face of the narrative of brutality and dehumanization. 

Last year, we conspired with our friends at “Filmlab Palestine”, “Seen Films”, and over 150 collectives, spaces, and individuals from all around the world to organize a global series of screenings of Palestinian films after it was clear that “Palestine Film Days” could not take place in Palestine as planned. Today we invite you again to collaborate with us from wherever you are to elevate the narrative of Palestine by screening Palestinian films in every corner we can reach on the planet, on the day of the commemoration of the Balfour Declaration, November 2nd, 2024. Join us in spreading Palestinian cinema, Palestinian narratives, and Palestinian determination around the world, upholding justice, and refusing to abandon our humanity.

To organize a film screening and participate in hosting Palestine Days around the world, visit the link.

